
潘贵霞,女,教授,硕士生导师。2014年博士毕业于北京大学数学科学学院,获理学博士学位,同年加入安徽医科大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学系工作,研究方向:环境因素的生殖健康效应及机制;健康医疗数据分析及模型构建;机器学习方法在医学大数据中的应用,重点关注基于多组学数据融合和机器学习方法的生育力低下风险预测研究。主持国家自然科学基金3项,中国博士后基金1项,安徽省博士后基金1项,出生人口健康教育部重点实验室本科生开放课题1项,安徽省转化医学研究院科研基金1项,安徽省省级大学生创新创业训练计划项目1项,安徽医科大学大学生创新创业训练计划项目1项,安徽医科大学来华留学生创新创业训练项目1项,参与国家自然科学基金2项。以第一作者或通讯作者在Environmental Research、Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety、IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering、 International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health、Journal of Functional Analysis、Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications、Potential Analysis、《中华疾病控制杂志》、《中国卫生统计》等专业期刊发表科研论文30余篇。指导本科生获得安徽省“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛创意组铜奖,指导本科生获2024年第十届全国大学生统计建模大赛国赛二等奖,指导研究生获2024年第十届全国大学生统计建模大赛安徽赛区三等奖。



联系方式: pgxkd@163.com






担任Public Health、《中华疾病控制杂志》、《动物认知与行为》等期刊同行评阅人。


1. 2024-12 至今            安徽医科大学     公共卫生学院      教授

2. 2019-12 至2024-12     安徽医科大学     公共卫生学院      副教授

3. 2016-02 至 2022-02     安徽医科大学     公共卫生学院      博士后

4. 2014-07 至2019-11      安徽医科大学     公共卫生学院      讲师


1. 2012-09 至 2013-08     University of Kentucky     联合培养博士

2. 2019-09 至 2020-08     Tulane University         访问学者


1. 国家自然科学基金天元专项基金:11526034;

2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金:11801010;

3. 国家自然科学基金面上基金:82473642;

4. 中国博士后基金:2020T13001ZX;

5. 安徽省博后后基金:2017B237;

6. 安徽省转化医学研究院科研基金:2023zhyx-C06;

7. 出生人口健康教育教育部重点实验室本科生开放课题基金:JKBK20242;

8. 安徽省省级大学生创新创业训练计划项目:20810366091;

9. 安徽医科大学来华留学生创新训练计划项目:GJY202302;

10.  安徽医科大学大学生创新创业训练计划项目:AYDDCxj2022131;

11.  安徽省教育厅新时代育人质量工程项目: 2022zyxwjxalk050。


1. 全国高等学校医学规划教材及安徽省高等学校“十三五”省级规划教材,


2. 科学出版社教材,《医学数据多因素统计分析及其SPSS软件实现》,参编,2020年;



(1)Cao Yawen, Fang Wenbin, Chen Yingying, Zhang Hengchuan, Ni Ruyu, Pan Guixia*. Simulating the impact of optimized prevention and control measures on the transmission of monkeypox in the United States: A model-based study. Journal of Medical Virology. 2024, 96(2): e29419.

(2)Fang Lanlan, Hu Wan, Pan Guixia*. Meteorological factors cannot be ignored in machine learning-based methods for predicting dengue, A systematic review. International Journal of Biometeorology. 2024, 68(3): 401-410.

(3)Pan Guixia*, Nijing. A cross sectional investigation of ChatGPT-like large language models application among medical students in China. BMC Medical Education. 2024, 24(1): 908.

(4)Chen Yingying, Cao Yawen, Fang Wenbin , Sannoh Mohamed, Zhang Hengchuan, Ni Ruyu, Pan Guixia*. Leisure activity engagement attenuates the risks of cognitive impairment induced by unhealthy plant-based diets: A nationwide cohort study. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2024.

(5)Fang Wenbin, Cao Yawen, Chen Yingying, Zhang Hengchuan, Ni Ruyu, Hu Wan, Pan Guixia*. Associatins of family income and healthy lifestyle with all-cause mortality. Journal of Global Health. 2023, 13: 04150.

(6)Zhang Hengchuan, Ni Ruyu, Cao Yawen, Fang Wenbin, Hu Wan, Pan Guixia*. Interaction between home and community-based services and PM2.5 on cognition: A prospective cohort study of Chinese elderly. Environmental Research. 2023, 231(Pt 1):116048.

(7)Zhang Hengchuan, Chen Yingying, Ni Ruyu, Cao Yawen, Fang Wenbin, Hu Wan, Pan Guixia*. Traffic-related air pollution, adherence to healthy lifestyles, and risk of cognitive impairment: A nationwide population-based study. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2023, 262: 115349.

(8)Hu Wan, Zhang Hengchuan, Ni Ruyu, Cao Yawen, Fang Wenbin, Chen YingYing, Pan Guixia*. Interaction between the animal-based dietary pattern and green space on cognitive function among Chinese older adults: A prospective cohort study. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health. 2023, 250: 114147.

(9)Hu Wan, Fang Lanlan, Zhang Hengchuan, Ni Ruyu, Pan Guixia*. Changing trends in the air pollution-related disease burden from 1990 to 2019 and its predicted level in 25 years. Environmental Science and Pollution Research International. 2023, 30(1):1761–1773. 

(10)Pan Guixia#, Cheng Jian, Pan Hai-Feng, Fan Yin-Guang, Ye Dong-Qing. Global Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease burden attributable to air pollution from 1990 to 2019. International Journal of Biometeorology. 2023, 67(10): 1543-1553.

(11)Hu Wan, Fang Lanlan, Ni Ruyu, Zhang Hengchuan, Pan Guixia*. Changing trends in the disease burden of non-melanoma skin cancer globally from 1990 to 2019 and its predicted level in 25years. BMC Cancer. 2022, 22(1) :836.

(12)Hu Wan, Fang Lanlan, Zhang Hengchuan, Ni Ruyu, Pan Guixia*.

Global disease burden of COPD from 1990 to 2019 and prediction of future disease burden trend in China. Public Health. 2022, 208: 89-97.

(13)Pan Guixia#, Tang Lin, Zhu Hua, Global weighted estimates for higher order Schrödinger operators with discontinuous coefficients. Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications. 2021, 27(5):1-41.

(14)Pan Guixia#, Xiao Li, Bai Yuntong,Wilson W Tony, Stephen M Julia, Calhoun D Vince, Wang Yu-Ping. Multiview diffusion map improves prediction of fluid intelligence with two paradigms of fMRI analysis. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 2020, 68(8): 2529-253.

(15)Fang Lanlan, Wang Dingjian, Pan Guixia*. Analysis and estimation of COVID-19 spreading in Russia based on ARIMA model. SN Comprehensive Clinical Medicine. 2020, 2(12): 2521- 2527.

 (16)Pan Guixia#, Tang Lin. Global W^{1,2}_{p} estimates for nondivergence parabolic operators with potentials satisfying a reverse Hölder condition, Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society. 2017, 54(5): 1357–1377.

(17)Pan Guixia#, Tang Lin. Solvability for schrodinger equations with discontinuous coefficients. Journal of Functional Analysis, 2016, 270(1): 88–133.

(18)Pan Guixia#, Tang Lin. New weighted norm inequalities for certain classes of multilinear operators and their iterated commutators. Potential Analysis. 2015, 43(3): 371–398